Our Core Services
We offer handcrafted, highly personalized advice and financial instruments across the full spectrum of financial matters, from commercial real estate to wealth planning and premium financing products. PPG has a disciplined, quality service model featuring these core areas of service.
Premium Financing
Specialized transactions allow high net worth individuals to finance scaled life insurance, funding and securing the loan primarily through the policy itself. These structures are of particular value in charitable, business and/or estate planning, providing a source of capital without interrupting the cash flow of the client’s investment portfolio. We’ve developed advanced planning techniques you will want to learn more about.
Commercial REAL ESTATE
The Team focuses on developing a relationship with new Clients by providing value added skills and services in all aspects of the commercial real estate industry. We provide value added skills and services from experienced professional Agents. Each member of the Team has been carefully selected for their knowledge and experience in their specific niche market. Our team helps find the best solution sources.
Self-Funded Medical
Our health plans spread claim risk over a large group by using a self-funded, level pay platform that includes reinsurance protection, network discounts, and differential claims management. By joining with other groups, we spread the risk among thousand of members as opposed to individual groups. This helps create competitive rates and assumed positive renewals. We are a better alternative for Group Benefits.
My Eyelab’s 60-plus locations offer eye exams and eyewear sales, with more than 2,000 frames for men, women and children to choose from. The retailer utilizes telehealth technology to provide quick and affordable eye care services to customers and reduce costs and inefficiencies for franchisees.
The vision care market generates nearly $40 billion in the U.S. and is continuing to grow. It’s no wonder – the majority of Americans need some sort of vision correction to go about their daily lives. There’s never been a better time to break into the industry, and My Eyelab is just the franchise to help you get started. Let us help you.
Our strategic marekting partner specializes in answering inbound order calls for the pizza industry at this moment.
We process the inbound phone orders to your POS system so that you can focus on what you do best, making the pizza.
R&D BUsiness tax credits
The R&D tax credit is government sponsored program that creates an economic incentive for companies to conduct research in their company and industry. Industries ranging from software development, aerospace, technology, biopharmaceuticals, and over 40 other industries have qualified. The R&D tax credit may apply to any taxpaying entity that incurs expenses for preforming Qualified Research Activities (QRA) on U.S. soil. The tax regulations allow eligible taxpaying entities to “look back” three years for credits that were never claimed. We do a free evaluation to determine if you have eligible expenses that qualify before we dive into the deep end of our process.
Customer Service Promise
Our core values are driven by the 4 pilars of Quality, Results, Care and Relationship. We want to make sure you know that we care about the results and aim to provide you with transparent quality solutions every steap of the way. We set out to deliver a clearer sense of direction and calm to our clients to help ease the stresses and responsailiites that can come with money.
We’ll help you learn to understand the financial markets and rest easier knowing a plan is in place that ultimately accounts for inevitable market uncertainty. We’ll help you mitigate the risks your assets are exposed to and ensure you’re only taking on as much risk as you have the willingness and need to do so.
Questions? Ready To Get Started?